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Hillary’s Global Gun Ban: Oh yes, it’s real

Article Updated: March 30th

An email from Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has been circulating the internet lately claiming that “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced the Obama Administration will be working hand in glove with the United Nations to pass a new GLOBAL, “Small Arms Treaty.”

According to the letter, this treaty is designed to “register, ban and CONFISCATE firearms owned by private citizens like YOU.” The URGENT battle cry warns gun-loving citizens everywhere that the treaty aims to “confiscate and destroy all ‘unauthorized’ civilian firearms; create an international gun registry, and set the stage for full-scale gun CONFISCATION (sic).” Lots of **** and, !!!!!!!! and, BIG, SCARY CAPITAL LETTERS were used just in case you dummies in the electorate don’t understand how FRIGGIN’ IMPORTANT THIS IS!!!!****

To be honest, the letter looks a little bit nuts. But what if it’s not? So I started digging, and the internet is awash with controversy over whether this issue is real or some urban myth making yet another round on the world-wide-web. Although strangely I failed to find any mention of this important issue on Senator Paul’s website, I did find a veritable treasure-trove of information directly from the United Nations, which seems to be very proud of their achievements toward total control of the world’s weapons cache’.

So without further adieu, here it is, straight from the source:

A UN-run global arms treaty is already organized and far along in its development. The UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) states that an international system needs to exist to “ensure that arms are only transferred for appropriate use,” whatever that means. They state that governments around the world “voiced concern” that there weren’t already global “rules” to “guide” governments in their decisions regarding all firearms.

As a result of this worldwide concern, an Arms Trade Treaty (also known as the, Small Arms Treaty) is being negotiated on a global scale.

The plan got underway in 2006 with a fact-finding mission of 100 countries. Reports by “Governmental Experts” were made, and in 2009 an open-ended Working Group held two meetings on the formation of a treaty to track and regulate all forms of arms.

Six more sessions were planned, and the General Assembly decided to convene a Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty in 2012 “to elaborate a legally binding instrument on the highest possible common international standards for the transfer of conventional arms.”

The remaining four sessions of the Working Group were then summarily re-defined as the, “Preparatory Committee” (PrepCom) for the Treaty. The first PrepCom took place in July, 2010.

All documented indications show that a global treaty is moving forward without hindrance. Four PrepCom meetings have already taken place, including one in February of this year. The next one will be held this July 2-27 (What – you didn’t get the memo?)

The time for a United Nations directive on global gun control has been quietly underway since 1992, and this latest round of meetings is just part of the grand plan, a fact you don’t hear much about in Presidential campaign speeches or debate forums.

Throughout their website and in all of their documents, the UN uses strategically designed wording to ensure the highest possible compliance. The push for global arms control is cleverly explained as, “preventative diplomacy” (Don’t you just love that?) This is all accomplished through the UN Register of Conventional Arms, a voluntary global inventory of all the firearms in the world.  Currently, reports from 170 countries “capture the vast majority of official firearms transfers and include data provided on domestic purchases.” Also stated is the express mandate of working to “expand the Registry’s scope (bend over, America).”

And to be clear, there is specific mention that of the seven types of firearms reported to the Register, small arms and domestic purchases (that means your handguns) are included, and that governments report on both imports as well as production so that “all purchases are covered.” There is even a provision in the current Registry for countries to regularly report on the total number of firearms they have available at any given time. So much for National Security.

The UN’s own words make abundantly clear their ultimate goal is global control of firearms. They also make it clear that firearms are bad, and should not be privately owned. The first step is to find out where all the guns are through the crafty use of “preventative diplomacy” and a global registry. The second step is to capitalize on terrorism and promote a public consensus that vigilante nut jobs like Joseph Kony are unstoppable under the current sovereign gun laws. Billionaire radicals like George Soros flush cash into the campaign through organizations like Invisible Children to do their part in rallying idealistic youth around the world to demand a stop to dangerous civil liberties like the Second Amendment. The final step is the Small Arms Treaty, and there we are. Ground zero.

It should also be noted that since the Register began operation in 1992, the United States and the rest of the Security Council gang have been regular contributors ever since.

Moving forward, the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs Occasional Paper No. 16 (2009) reports that small arms and light weapons (SALW) have been brought into the scope of the Register’s framework, and that such inclusions will be increased as part of the Registry’s development. Remember that goal to expand their scope? The report also makes clear the priority to move from 170 participating countries to full “universal participation” with an agenda to “persuade” countries to report regularly. Global domination doesn’t happen overnight, you know. It takes patience; first “persuade,” then “require,” and there you have it: UN: Proctologist to the World.

In building their case for global arms control, the UN describes small arms (everyday handguns) as a “worldwide scourge” that “wreaks havoc everywhere.” Their website paints scenes of “Mobs terrorizing a neighborhood, Rebels attacking civilians…Drug lords randomly killing law enforcers or anyone else…”   Their conclusion as they state it is that, “In all continents, uncontrolled small arms form a persisting problem.” Ergo, it’s not a huge leap to presume that the logical solution is global control of all small arms everywhere.

Hence the need for The Small Arms Treaty. This year the Conference will convene to move the Treaty forward, with the express goal of creating a, “legally binding instrument” regarding movement of conventional arms. How much more evidence to we need?

For the United States’ part, it would take 2/3, or 67 votes in the Senate to ratify the Treaty, which brings us back to Senator Paul’s nutty letter sounding the battle cry to action. Given the UN’s own documents on the matter, suddenly a New World Order is sounding more and more like a forgone conclusion.

When asked by FoxNews if the Treaty could lead to an international gun registration, Daniel Prins, Chief of the Conventional Arms Branch for the U.N.’s Office for Disarmament Affairs (ODA) that “All the issues remain on the table.”

The concern among pro-Second Amendment groups is palpable. In a hearing by the UN Arms Trade Treaty Preparatory Committee last summer, Executive VP for the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre, stated his grave concerns about the threat to U.S. citizens’ Constitutional rights in a lengthy testimony.

He also singled out the dangers of the far-reaching aspirations of the UN’s global agenda by saying, “It is also regrettable to find such intense focus on record-keeping, oversight, inspections, supervision, tracking, tracing, surveillance, marking, documentation, verification, paper trails and data banks, new global agencies and data centers. Nowhere do we find a thought about respecting anyone’s right of self-defense, privacy, property, due process, or observing personal freedoms of any kind.”

One Conservative blogger writes, “This treaty represents the elites’ final move to disable people’s resistance to the New World Order, something that they have been setting up for many decades.”

So Conservative wackos, unite! There is an elitist global conspiracy for world domination – Ah, it’s good to be right. Or is it?


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